How to Grow your Business

There is no single metric used to measure business growth. Businesses grow in many different ways and at different intervals. below are some examples:

  • Revenue

  • Sales

  • Business value

  • Company Profits

  • Head Count

  • Customers 

Defining business growth can be a very difficult task to accomplish. Business owners should refer back to their Business plan to find growth opportunities, this also all depends on how one views growth. Some may prefer the ambitious route, where increasing the number of customers early on is an important part of growth according to their business plan. In other instances, slowly building out the framework phase by phase is considered growth. There truly is a lot that goes into measuring growth, kind of the looking at the glass half full or empty paradigm. Example, your revenue may increase with fewer customers, simply by existing customers buying more, versus having lots of customers buying few.

What does growth look like for your business? Let’s discuss
